Archive for August, 2014

Dark Futures Annual


Hey, look, I’m in another book! Yes, I already mentioned this on my social media feeds, but strangely, inexplicably, I forgot to mention it here.

I wrote a story months ago for a contest. The winner would be published in Dark Future’s first Annual Anthology. You might remember Dark Futures for being the place that’s serializing my Burned Lands arc (the final segment of part two goes live end of this month, and I’m picking away at the next segment).

Anyway, you can find the anthology here! Oh, and it features a character that is going to be the central character for the final quarter of Burned Lands. (more…)

This week’s Chuck Wendig challenge. I can’t say I love the title, and I’m not sure I quite did it justice. Where’s the delight? Where’s the mania? Well, at least there’s some lust, right? Anyway. This was my take (and about 200 words over the 1k limit). Contains some adult themes, but then what did you expect?



Roleplay, if you are into it, and you’ve got a like-minded partner(s)  can add a bit of variety to the bedroom- Wait. No, this isn’t that article. Whoops.


Right, back on track then.


What I meant to say is that playing role-playing games is good for you as a writer. I’m not talking about computer games either (though they can be useful in other ways, especially when looked at as a piece of media and you want to parse out the character and story elements), but the old pen and paper games where you get together with a bunch of friends, get a bunch of dice and go on and adventure together. (more…)